Friday, July 31, 2009

Perscribed insole for a crooked back?

My wife is from Italy and uses a thing called a "Plantare" it is used to level her hips on one side due to scoliosis, a crooked back. Now I am in the USA, and I need to get one, who do I talk to about this, and what is that special perscribed insole called?

Perscribed insole for a crooked back?
You can go to any chiropractors...well ..not any..but good number of chiropractors do foot orthotics. Brand doesn't matter. They are custom fitted.

However, wearing heel/foot lift for scoliosis is something you want to approach very caustiously. Often times, the short leg seen on x-ray is just result of rotation and true leg length discrepency....

Only safe way to wear heel life for scoliosis patients is to do pre and post x-ray of with and without the orthotics and see if the curvature gets better or worse...

Linda (above), you don't want to lift your heel up like that without careful observation. that can be dangerous as it can make the curvature worse. Another caveat is that with scoliosis patients, heel lift is often not prescribed..rather we use foot lift. Heel lift creates inclination of the foot and that can be pretty damaging to your ankle and knee.

Also, the amount of lift is half of the actual radiologic measurement and only if true anatomical leg lenght discrepency exists.

Please do not do your lifts with make shift...this could have serious consequences..

even with patients without scoliosis, we have to be very careful or patient's condition could worsen..
Reply:I really don't know about that. I have scoliosis and one leg is a little shorter than the other. I just use a couple of heel pads in the shoe of the short leg to even things up.
Reply:There is a shoe store chain called Trade Home. They specialize in diagnosing all kinds of foot problems and sell many different types of insoles. I would talk to them. My husband's feet hurt terribly and these inserts have taken the pain away! It is truly remarkable!


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