Monday, April 20, 2009

Son put boot insoles in dryer and drum is discoloured how do we clean and get white colour back?

You could try using one of those Magic Erasers, the white sponge thing that seems clean everything, including scuff marks on the floor. It is worth a shot.

Son put boot insoles in dryer and drum is discoloured how do we clean and get white colour back?
I%26#039;ve found that fingernail polish remover (with acetone) works great at removing stains like this. One time a pen exploded in my dryer and hardened all over the inside of the drum. I tried scrubbing with all kinds of soaps and detergents and then I tried the fingernail polish remover. It worked instantly and the dryer looked brand new.

Be careful to let the dryer air out completely before using it again since the polish remover is flammable.
Reply:Since it is probably a dye, try a soapy cloth first. If that doesn%26#039;t work, try the cloth with something like nail polish remover. Keep the area well vented, especially if it is a gas dryer with a pilot light. If that doesn%26#039;t work, ask someone at a dry cleaner--they are wizards are getting stains out and might know of a better product for you.
Reply:the colour wont come out my dryer is dark blue with jeans been in there.

it is the heat that causes the colour to rub into the drum and keep it that colour.

upside: u can enjoy a newly coloured drum


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